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Matte black and Shiny silver Black Onyx and Silvertone beads
Bone. Black, Gray & Silver 3 piece jewelry suite
Asymmetric labradorite and yellow jade colors for 2021
Pearls Pearls and sparkle
AKOLA beaded 3pc jewelry suite in shades of blue
AKOLA beads in shades of pink
AKOLA beaded jewelry suite in black & white
Bold and Blue Feathered neckpiece AKOLA beads and tassels
AKOLA beads and Feathers in pink and red
Akola Beads in black and white Black feather neck piece
Golden Peacock of tourmaline gems.
Multi-gem Cocktail Ring
Multicolored Sapphire Bracelet
Light as a feather Smooth as a pearl
Raven at night.....Black feathered jewelry suite
Lady in red Bold and Sassy
Hummingbirds of Fantasy.
Purple Plums of Fantasy.... Feather beads and crystal necklace bracelet and 2 sets of earrings
Flamingo Pink Feathered jewelry suite